Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Don't Heart Bl.ue Cro.ss

Just a quick vent so I can try to move on with my day.

Last June we did a frozen embryo transfer (FET). We had 3 embryos that were frozen back in 2005 when Kaleb was conceived. Part of the process in getting the uterus ready to accept the embryos involves taking multiple medications. They can be pricey. I was under the impression that they were going to be covered by our health insurance.

Obviously, I am not pregnant. The FET was unsuccessful. I honestly think I should have canceled it. My cat, Rusty, died the day before the transfer.

I really tried to get all my crying done that day so I could try to have happy "baby" thoughts for the mandatory 3 days of bed rest following the transfer. But....I spent a lot of that time crying for my sweet Rusty. It is probably my fault that those little embryos didn't survive. I didn't make them feel welcome, I guess. I'm sorry if that sounds silly, but a lot of effort went into creating them in the first place and even though part of me is relieved not to have another baby in the house, I really did want them to make it.
Anyway....Bl.ue Cro.ss has decided not to cover the meds (even though we had prior authorization) and we can't afford to pay the bill from the pharmacy. It's almost $2,000. Don't they know there's a recession? I have been dealing with the pharmacy and the insurance company and neither one seems interested in helping me resolve the issue. I am just sooooooo frustrated! I want to smash something to get rid of my anger.
Plus...a part of me feels like to pay this money is the same as throwing it away since the FET didn't even work. I know I am paying for medications received, but that's just what goes through my head.
OK, my rant is done. I'm going to shower off these tears that are running down my face and take my little angel and furry angels on a walk.


Heidi said...

I'm so sorry Kerry... hang in there; I will be praying for you.

Melissa said...

You appeal it until you are sick of appealing. They authorized it and thus they need to take ownership of those bills, dammit! I am still dealing with insurance screw ups from Cole's surgery last fall so I can relate in your absolute frustration. Persistence and many phone calls to BCBS are paying off, keep at it, don't let them win!