Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Running on Empty

I feel like I am running on an empty tank. Out of patience, out
of tolerance, out of humor, out of energy....just empty.

I am quick to anger, slow to kindness. I scream at Kaleb for the smallest infraction, I feel like kicking the cat every time she starts meowing in my face, and Keith is getting a lot of short answers and rolling eyes.

I feel like every one needs something from me, like I am constantly being pulled in a dozen directions.

I am expected to keep the house clean, cook yummy dinners, do the books for the company, and be a full-time mommy to a young boy who is completely incapable of entertaining himself. I can't leave him alone without coming back to discover a total mess.


I am grateful for these problems, though. I remember when I had nobody to be responsible to/for. I remember how quiet our house was before Kaleb. I remember the meow's of my cat, Rusty, and I wish I could hear them again. I remember when I thought I would never meet anybody to settle down with, or roll my eyes at.

These are simple problems. Easy to fix. I need to pray. And meditate. And continue to remind myself of the many blessings in my life.

Or maybe if I could just clone myself??? hmmmm....


Heidi said...

Hang in there... It will get better.

Anonymous said...

Hey kiddo!

When I get that way I just think of all the good things and they definitly outweigh the ones that get me in the doldrums!

Smile cause you got a good one!

Anti Kitty Dood