Monday, July 6, 2009

Maybe we Oversold Jesus?

This is a video of Kaleb practicing what he has been learning at swimming lessons. He loves the water. He is doing so well at his lessons. He can swim about halfway across the pool without help. The only problem is that he suddenly thinks that he knows how to swim all by himself. This terrifies me to no end. I literally have palpitations when I think about him going in the water without me.

In Orange County, drowning is the number one cause of death for kids his age. I personally know someone whose 3 year-old son drowned, and also someone whose 2 year-old grandson drowned. I am a nut about water safety.

At Kaleb's first birthday party, one of Keith's cousins let her 2 boys go swimming. She didn't even bother to sit by the pool to supervise them. Her youngest son looked like he was drowning, and one of our guests actually started running to jump in the pool and save him. I told her the boys had to get of the pool....several people thought I was totally over-reacting. I could care less. I am not about to have someone drown in my pool.

So...back to my story. We were in the backyard this weekend. Keith was in the jacuzzi with Kaleb. Kaleb decided to sit on the big step we have in the pool. All of a sudden, he decided he needed to get our dog's ball from the middle of the pool. He stood up, put his arms straight up (just like he learned at lessons), and dove in the water. He started swimming to the ball as Keith was quickly jumping in the pool to get him. Kaleb was completely unfazed by it.

Later when we were talking to him again about never ever going in the water without us, he said this:

"But Mommy, I was going to see Jesus! It's so great! I'll go see Jesus and fly around heaven with him, then come back home!" What the heck do we say to that?

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