Saturday, February 27, 2010

Characters from the Fair

Last weekend I went to a teacher job fair for the Diocese of Orange. I am starting to amp up my search for a job next year, and I really want to get back to the classroom. I miss it so much. And, since I worked for the Diocese before, I figure this might be my best bet in getting a teaching job in this state (in case you haven't heard, California schools are in crisis and there are no job openings).

It was kind of fun getting prepped for the fair. I woke up early, actually showered and put on makeup before 8 am (!) and dressed in grown-up clothes. Then I put on my best smiley face and went to the fair (mmmm, I can smell the corn dogs already....oh wait, that's a different fair).

It wasn't nearly as crazy as I thought it would be. I stood in several lines, met several principals and discussed why I would just love to teach at their school. ****for the record, I hate these shmoozy-woozy type events, but I did my best to seem really excited***

Now, I'm no expert, but I am pretty sure a few of the characters I saw probably don't need to wait by their phones for a job offer. Here are my favorites:

1. The guy with the super-long moustache that curled around at the ends:

This guy made me laugh...genuinely...he meant no harm but shot himself in the foot. I'm standing with my former principal. We're catching up on things and discussing next year and possibilities and this guy totally interrupts us. He's got doughnut crumbs in his moustache, and he's holding a mug of coffee. I can smell his coffee breath, and I'm pretty sure so could the person across the room!

A couple of pointers for this guy: Never interrupt people who are obviously having a conversation! It just makes you look rude. Stand in line like the rest of us. Also, just because they put out coffee and doughnuts doesn't mean you have to take them; wait until you are leaving and take one for the road. Finally - breath mints!

2. The girl in the over-the-knee stiletto boots:

Girl, those boots were rockin', but you weren't at Tao Las Vegas, you were at a Catholic Schools job fair! Know your audience! Many of the principals you were talking to were nuns who have spent their whole adult lives dressing in shapeless gray suits and orthopedic shoes. Seriously!

Those were my favorites! I wish them luck in their future endeavors!


Cindy said...

I think I have met these people somewhere, maybe in Nashville . . . xoxo

Heidi said...

I wonder if those people will go to traffic school with me. I hope so!