Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Keith!

Keith's birthday is on Tuesday. It is hard to make his day special with Christmas following only 2 days later. This year I was determined to surprise him (which is nearly impossible) with a special day.
I had already arranged with my mom that Kaleb would spend the night with her on Friday. So, since she lives out in Corona, I needed to get up and moving to get him there and back without Keith figuring out my long absence.
On Thursday night we had gone to our neighbor's house to have a visit from Santa. It was great. Kaleb explained that he wanted "big toys." neighbor gave us a gingerbread house to decorate. So, Friday morning comes and ALL Kaleb wants to do is decorate the house. I had no choice but to give in before dashing off to grandma's house. I think it turned out pretty good, don't you?

So, we get to grandma's, get him settled, and I get back to the house. Keith called once and I told him I was out doing errands. Phew! He knew I was taking him out Friday night. He thought our babysitter was coming. When he got home, I surprised him with the news that we were Kaleb-free for the night and I was taking him to the Coach House to see Mike Ness. The show was AMAZING!!! We sat with a fun group and had a great time (except I drank a little too much wine).

The next part of the surprise is that I had set up a tee-time to play at Trilogy (where my mom lives) on Saturday morning. Keith could not have been more surprised or more happy. We had a great time together. I totally suck at golf, but I enjoy having 4 hours with Keith. It gives us a lot of time to chat. I actually played pretty well on Saturday. Keith was happy. Kaleb had a great time at grandma's. It was nice.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Past

When I was growing up, there was one place where I felt really happy all the time - my grandmother's house. There was no yelling or screaming...ever. There was a lot of laughing and smiling. Her house was all about us (me and my 2 brothers). She made everything so much fun. In the back yard, she set up a whole area for me to make mud pies. We would roast marshmallows over a fire pit, make homemade ice-cream, and have tons of fun. In her pantry were always raisins and life savers, in the fridge was Martinelli's sparkling cider, and in the freezer were bon-bons. It was the greatest. I really miss my grandparents.

As we were decorating the tree last week, I came across this paper ornament.

I almost didn't hang it up. You see, I collect Radko ornaments. They are very beautiful and a little pricey. So, I almost ignored the flimsy cardboard ornament.

And then, I opened it.

I have no idea what year she sent it to me, but I totally started crying when I read her name. I love Christmas.

That was fast!

Dear Diary,

Wow! I suck! I broke my vows after about 8 hours.

First, I yelled at Corkie for picking yet ANOTHER fight with the dogs. (I think I may have even threatened to feed her to the dogs, but that part is really fuzzy)

Then, I yelled at Rucchin & Sasha for drooling all over the floor when I took out the chicken for dinner. That stuff is slippery!

Finally, I yelled at Kaleb for riding on top of Sasha like she is a horse.

The only person that didn't get yelled is Keith and he probably should have been, because dude...if you make one more face while eating a dinner that I have prepared with love, I will stop cooking forever!

Wait, that is actually a really good idea....hmmmm.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Vow of Yellibacy

Dear Diary,

I have decided to take a vow of yellibacy...that is, I am
going to try and not yell at Kaleb or the animals.
I read an article that said almost 85% of the moms surveyed yelled at their kids at least once a week.
I probably yell at Kaleb at least a couple of times a week and I yell at the animals almost daily. It is such an ugly thing to do. The last thing I want is for Kaleb to fear me, or see me as unstable. He needs to see that I can handle anger in a constructive way. The animals have not changed their behavior one bit as a result of my yelling, so it obviously falls upon deaf ears.
We'll see how I do. I haven't yelled at anyone today. I'm off to a good start!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The 'rents are coming

In 3 1/2 hours my dad and step mom will be here for a visit.
I love them both. Very much. My step mom has been in my life since I was 7. She is like a 2nd mom.
BUT......I tend to get very anxious when they come to visit. My step mom, Joyce, doesn't really have a filter from her brain to her mouth. She doesn't always stop to think if what she is about to say is appropriate. I have also come to believe that she thinks 2 things of me: 1) that I am 12 years old and need to be guided through everything and, 2) that I am a total idiot.
On her last visit she said, "did you know that you can buy things like toilet paper in bulk at Costco?" Ummmm, yeeeaah. I live with 3 boys. I know all about the need for tons of toilet paper.
She used to always tell me that I was too skinny. She hasn't said that in a while.
She also points out that I look much better when I put makeup on. Hence, I am wearing makeup today.
Also, they watch every move I make with Kaleb. Last time we saw them, he drank about 2 huge cups of orange juice. Then he wasn't hungry for lunch. I heard my dad mutter something about all the orange juice he drank. I am sure they have a list of things I don't do correctly. I know this because I always here the list of things my brother and his wife don't do with their 3 kids.
Anyway, the house is a mess, I'm not finished decorating for Christmas, I have 500 other things to do, and they will be here in 3 1/2 hours. I should probably go.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes...

...come some of life's most embarrassing moments. Yesterday Kaleb and I went to the 'Happiest Place on Earth.' I finally got my new pass and so now we are back to going every week. I know, rough.

So, anyway, we are running around Toon Town when my stomach starts kind of bugging me. Then I start having cramps. Not period cramps. The other cramps. The kind that make you really wish you were at home.

I tried really, really hard to fight it until finally I said, "come on Kaleb. Mommy needs to go potty." I totally know this is tmi but - oh well!

We dash into the bathroom, which is totally full of people. I try to do my business discretely. But...when there is a 2 year-old standing in the stall, nothing is discrete.

Next thing the whole bathroom hears..."eeeww ka ka! Phew mommy stinky kaka. Biiiiigggg ka ka!"

Please kill me.