I am blessed that I have been able to stay home with Kaleb since he was born. It has definitely been a sacrifice, but one that is well worth it. I love him to pieces, so being with him brings me joy.
Actually I do work, I just don't get paid. I do all of the bookkeeping for Keith's company, as well as my mother-in-law's. It saves the company money, and once in a while they send me to the spa. Plus, it helps to keep my brain sharp and makes me feel useful!
Anyway, for about the past year I have been really missing working...outside the home. I miss getting dressed in more than jeans or sweats. I miss grown-up interaction. I miss the feeling of being something other than "Kaleb's mom." I miss having a paycheck with my name on! And I really miss the extra things that really aren't very important, but make life a little nicer...things we have had to cut from our budget as business has slowed, like mani/pedi's, Starbucks, shopping, etc.
Now that Kaleb is in preschool I have the time to work. He is really happy at school, so there is zero guilt about leaving him there. He is definitely in good company. I have been keeping my eye out for opportunities that could fit my qualifications. Even though I am a teacher, I have not been looking much in that field because of the current state of education in California. I have focused more on my business background.
I did, however, apply for a job last month through the Department of Education as a Title I tutor for disadvantaged children in foster and group homes. I didn't expect to hear anything and actually had almost forgotten about.
And then today Kaleb's school passed out information regarding new extended hours...I was excited because it gives me a bit more flexibility when applying for jobs. Even more exciting...I just got an email that they would like me to call and schedule an interview for the tutor job!
I love the timing of things....God has funny ways of showing me that he actually is listening!
...fingers crossed :)
20 years
1 month ago