Tuesday, January 6, 2009

For Husbands

Dear Loving Husbands of the World,

When you and your wife are sitting in the lounge of a restaurant while waiting for your table, and a group of hottsie-tottsie's is sitting next to you [wait...I am not being catty. You know the type - big hair, big make-up, skinny jeans and knee-high black boots with stiletto heals], do NOT...I repeat...do NOT reach over and grab the roll of extra skin that resides around your wife's waist.

Seriously. I can't believe I even have to say it.


Heidi said...

Oh crap... Oh CRAP!

That made me laugh - and sigh with sadness/understanding at the same time. :)

hbmommy said...

I am sooo glad I could help ;)