OK, so I need to preface all this by saying I watch too many "news" shows like Datel.ine and 20/20, etc. The whole 'To catch a predator' series has made me suspicious of EVERYONE. I think everyone is a child molester.
Anyway, I digress.
There have been several home-invasion style robberies in our surrounding area. Not in our tract, but in neighboring tracts. The burglars break down the door (literally) and then ransack the house for valuables. In one case, the woman whose house was robbed had only been gone for an hour and came home to find her sliding glass door had been shattered and her home a complete disaster (I think that was a large run-on sentence).
So besides the fact that I am paranoid to begin with, now I seem to have just cause to be even more paranoid. For instance, whenever Keith is out of town (which is thankfully not often), I sleep with mace and the phone under my pillow. I also keep the dogs in the house at night (usually they sleep outside).
Tonight my neighbor across the street (who is a cop) let me know that a car full of people who obviously don't live here was driving up and down our street very slowly. We live in a cul-de-sac. There is no reason to be driving up and down.
So, of course, now I am convinced they were casing our house.
I tell all this to Keith, who listens and then says, "we need a game plan." WHAT!!! I was waiting for him to tell me that everything would be OK, I have no reason to worry, blah blah blah yadda yadda. But, NO, he wants an actual plan should our home be 'invaded'.
Now I am too scared to sleep. Oh...and when I did a search for images of home invasions, a lot of really scary S-H-I-T came up and now I will have nightmares for sure. Great.
20 years
2 weeks ago
Oh my... that does sound frightening. I'm glad you have a neighbor who's a cop...
Try not to focus on it too much - maybe the car full of people was a bunch of people trying to get to a party and they were lost or something.
I'll say a prayer for you; for protection and peace of mind.
I love your optimism! I think I am probably more in need of peace of mind than anything else! Can you say coo-coo??
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