Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes...

...come some of life's most embarrassing moments. Yesterday Kaleb and I went to the 'Happiest Place on Earth.' I finally got my new pass and so now we are back to going every week. I know, rough.

So, anyway, we are running around Toon Town when my stomach starts kind of bugging me. Then I start having cramps. Not period cramps. The other cramps. The kind that make you really wish you were at home.

I tried really, really hard to fight it until finally I said, "come on Kaleb. Mommy needs to go potty." I totally know this is tmi but - oh well!

We dash into the bathroom, which is totally full of people. I try to do my business discretely. But...when there is a 2 year-old standing in the stall, nothing is discrete.

Next thing the whole bathroom hears..."eeeww ka ka! Phew mommy stinky kaka. Biiiiigggg ka ka!"

Please kill me.

1 comment:

VikingMom said...

Let's just say you're not the only one to ever experience such a lovely experience. Between their comments and attempts to open the door while your indisposed are some of the more embarassing moments in parenting!